Welcome to The Wilderness Within!
This space has been created to nurture your relationship with your holistic health and wellbeing. How can we heal from within by embracing our wild and intuitive essence? How can we somatically, spiritually, mentally and psychologically remember our divinity in these times? These are the kinds of questions we explore, through the wisdom of the great teachers that came before me and through the practice of yoga, meditation, breath, energetics and journalling. I use my Wilderness Within framework and my experience as a yoga teacher and energy healer to guide you in these practices. For more on my Wilderness Within Framework, read my book Nurture your Nature!
I'm thrilled to be serving you in your wellness journey, thank you for supporting my work!
From my heart to yours, the wild in me honours the wilderness within you.
"I wish to share my deep gratitude for your incredibly powerful teachings that was delivered with such beauty and grace. Your messages and guidance is resonating so with me, I feel blessed that my intuition lead me to you today, and that somehow my busy house freed my from distraction so I could flop into your class without the distraction. I have my copy of Women who run with Wolves since 2007, and return to it often but still feel I have only touched the surface. I believe you have gifted me the missing piece of my healing journey, spiritual discipline with movement. Whilst I am fully committed to coming home to myself my blocks keep setting my off on the negative loop, I see now I needed a tool not just any tool but a new paradigm you have developed to break my cycle once and for all and movement to work with the juicy bits as they become released. Gosh I AM truly grateful and feeling such excitement to deep dive into establishing my daily practices."
Hello there, I am Christie and I'm your guide, teacher and healer here at the Wilderness Within.
I like to introduce myself through how I was intuitively led to this work. I stumbled into this world of healing as many of us do, through my pain. Mine was a deep anxiety and distrust of the world, a state in which I was always in survival mode. My physical body was experiencing the effects of heightened levels of cortisol and an over-active sympathetic nervous system. It was a crippling sensation to wake up in, a deep sense of dread and anxious anticipation of what the day had in store for me.
There is a grace that led me to find two practices that renewed my spirit. I don’t remember which came first, but they came into my life through sheer necessity and grace. I began driving three hours to my nearest mountains a couple times a week and would hike for hours alone. There was never a time that I didn’t come down the mountain a new person, not once. The trees knew my name and they whispered sweet words of remembrance to me as I walked. My heart would overflow with a deep knowing and sense of peace. It was a returning home to the great mother, a resonance of oneness.
With reluctance I would return from the mountain, refreshed, but not far from being swept back into the chaos of a progress and profit driven society. A jarring experience to be sure after experiencing true oneness and reciprocity with the earth. This is where my second practice gave me great comfort among the glaring discomfort of being the yin in a yang society. I found a yoga community that welcomed me in wholeheartedly; they gave me a place to practice asana (movement classes), a sense of belonging, and a portal through which I could return to equanimity when the drive to the mountains wasn’t possible.
These two practices, connection with nature and yoga, have grown into some of the deepest loves of my young life. I continue to marvel at the way they continue to ground me in the universal current of truth. Returning me again and again to a deep sense of inner peace and connection with all beings.
my sweet little book and the teachings I offer you here is my current understanding of what nature and yoga continue to teach me. It’s grounded in a metaphor, relating this journey of being wild-heartedly human to the landscape of a garden. It came to me during a catnap, where I was casually drifting between the state of waking and sleeping. I woke up with this beautiful synthesis and this healing framework.
Qualifications: Reiki Master, Yoga Teacher (400hr+), Raynor Massage Practioner
I invite and encourage all of my students to read my book before taking my programs. It's coming soon...
In the meantime, The Wild Ones or Becoming Aware is "where to begin". Cultivating beautiful rituals through thoughtfully curated practices.